Wednesday broker round-up

28th Aug 2013 08:09

African Barrick Gold: Nomura takes target price from 155p to 250p and reiterates its buy recommendation.Antofagasta: Deutsche Bank cuts target price from 1050p to 1035p and retains a hold recommendation. JP Morgan reduces target price from 1005p to 975p, while its neutral rating remains unchanged. UBS ups target price from 960p to 990p leaving its buy recommendation unaltered.Astra Zeneca: JP Morgan cuts target price from 3400p to 3300p, while staying with its neutral rating.Berendsen: UBS revises target price from 750p to 900p staying with its neutral rating.Big Yellow Group: Morgan Stanley increases target price from 395p to 445p maintaining an equal-weight rating.British Land: Morgan Stanley ups target price from 630p to 670p and reiterates an overweight rating.Bunzl: Berenberg takes target price from 910p to 1050p, but still recommends selling.Capital & Counties Properties: Morgan Stanley takes target price from 340p to 370p and retains an overweight rating.Chime Communications: Numis raises target price to 380p and keeps a buy recommendation.Derwent London: Morgan Stanley increases target price from 2450p to 2900p retaining an overweight rating.Great Portland Group: Morgan Stanley ups target price from 610p to 670p and stays with its overweight rating.Hammerson: Morgan Stanley moves target price from 530p to 540p and leaves its equal-weight rating unchanged.Intu Properties: Morgan Stanley lowers target price from 310p to 300p keeping an underweight rating.Land Securities: Morgan Stanley takes target price from 940p to 1020p reiterating an overweight rating.London Metric Property: Morgan Stanley shifts target price from 102p to 113p, while leaving its underweight rating unaltered.Monitise: Berenberg initiates with a target price of 70p and a buy recommendation.Pennon Group: JP Morgan moves target price from 670p to 745p upgrading to overweight.Perform Group: Citi increases target price from 430p to 550p reiterating a neutral rating.Severn Trent: JP Morgan ups target price from 1520p to 1680p, while staying with its neutral rating.Shaftesbury: Morgan Stanley raises target price from 590p to 680p, while downgrading to equal-weight.United Utilities: JP Morgan moves target price from 720p to 750p and keeps a neutral rating.UNITE Group: Morgan Stanley ups target price from 400p to 490p, while staying with its overweight rating.