Gold producer Centamin issued its third-quarter results last week - confirming all was on track to meet its full-year targets.However, if there is any major flight to safety this will cause the dollar to strengthen further, which is a negative for gold. The shares were first recommended on January 5 last year as a "tip of 2009." They are up 241pc since then but remain a buy, says the Telegraph.Lo-Q is to be applauded as a British firm creating clever gadgets that are being sold all over the world. The company is small and not without risk, but has good prospects. Theme parks are universally popular. Queuing is universally unpopular. Q-Bots help people enjoy the first without worrying about the second. The shares are 119p and should reward patient investors. Buy, says the Daily Mail.Unfortunately for Midlands-based industrial group Hill & Smith, its positive update on Friday was buried in the election cliffhanger. The statement came a couple of days after the group unveiled a new contract win worth £4m for the supply of gantries on the M1 motorway. The shares were first recommended at 202p on February 7 last and they are up 73pc. Trading on a December 2010 earnings multiple of just 8.8 times and yielding 3.6pc, the shares remain a buy, according to the TelegraphPlease note: Digital Look provides a round-up of news, tips and information that is impacting share prices and the market. Digital Look cannot take any responsibility for information provided by third parties. This is for your general information only as not intended to be relied upon by users in making an investment decision or any other decision. Please obtain a copy of the relevant publication and carry out your own research before considering acting on any of this information.