Centamin's third-quarter gold production rose 39 per cent to 84,757 ounces at the Sukari mine in Egypt compared to a year ago.However, production was down 9% from the second quarter, the mining group said in a statement on Wednesday. The company has produced 265,397 ounces in the year to date.Throughput at the Sukari process plant came to a record 1,463kt, up 46% year-on-year and 3% quarter-on-quarter. Open pit total material movement fell 5% from the previous quarter to 10,506kt and open pit ore production increased 15% quarter-on-quarter to 3,409kt. It led to an increase in the run of mine ore stockpile balance of 346kt to 1,537kt at the end of the period. "The third quarter saw another strong performance on several fronts most notably a further increase in both tonnes mined from underground and total process plant throughput," said Chairman Josef El-Raghy. "Whilst we expect some impact in Q4 on plant throughput from the commencement of Stage 4 commissioning activities, we are now well placed to exceed our initial full year 2013 guidance of 320,000 ounces, provided on March 14th 2013." RD