Centamin achieved record gold production at its Sukari Gold Mine in Egypt in the three months to end of June.Total gold production for the second quarter came to 93,624 ounces, up 39% from a year earlier and up 8.0% from the previous quarter. The company said guidance for the year to March 14th 2013 remains at 320,000 ounces of gold at a cash operating cost of $700 per ounce."The second quarter saw continued improvements in mining and processing productivity at the Sukari operation which, combined with average grades in line with the mine plan, delivered a third successive quarter of record output," said Josef El-Raghy, Chairman of Centamin.Open pit total material movement jumped 4.0% quarter-on-quarter 11,019kiloton (kt) and open pit ore production rose 39% to 2,961kt which led to an increase in the run of mine ore stockpile balance of 432kt to 1,191kt at the end of the period. The underground mine delivered 142kt, up 19% compared to the first quarter.Quarterly throughput at the Sukari process plant was a record 1,418kt, a 12% increase on the prior year period and a 1.0% increase on first quarter. It was primarily driven by continued high levels of productivity and availability of the processing plant. RD