(Sharecast News) - Capital & Counties Properties announced the appointment of Michelle McGrath as an executive director on Wednesday.
The FTSE 250 company said McGrath had been a senior executive for six years, most recently as director of Covent Garden, with responsibility for investment and asset management of the portfolio.

It described her as an experienced corporate broker, having previously been at UBS Investment Bank, focusing on the UK listed real estate sector.

In addition, Andrew Strang and Gerry Murphy had informed the board that they would not seek re-election at the company's upcoming annual general meeting, and would thus retire from the board at that date.

Anthony Steains would be appointed as senior independent director, and as chair of the audit committee, with Henry Staunton and Jonathan Lane set to join the remuneration committee on the same date.

"We are delighted that Michelle will be joining the board of Capco and look forward to her valuable contribution to the success of Capco in her new role as an executive director," said chairman Henry Staunton.

"We thank Andrew for his long and valuable service and the benefit of his extensive knowledge of the marketplace, and Gerry for his significant contribution to the board, not least in respect of preparations for the potential demerger and wish them both the very best for the future."

At 0945 GMT, shares in Capital & Counties Properties were down 1.85% at 228.1p.