Nomura has reiterated its 'buy' rating and 1,600p target price for natural gas giant BG Group, following the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in Chris Finlayson."The timing of the announcement of a new CEO is in line with guidance from BG's Chairman earlier in the year. It removes uncertainty on an issue that has been at the top of investor agenda's over the past six months and in particular after last month's production downgrade," Nomura said.Investec has reiterated its 'hold' recommendation for Egypt-focused gold miner Centamin, saying that the ongoing bad news surrounding the company offsets the stock's upside potential. This follows Thursday's revelation that the company has been prompted to suspend operations at its Sukari mine.The broker said: "CEY ended the 3Q12 with a healthy balance sheet that included $125m in cash, amongst liquid assets totalling $182m. It therefore has the capacity to withstand a sustained period of care and maintenance. It appears to be suffering a run of very bad news, which highlights the difficulties of operating in Egypt, where the political environment remains volatile."Panmure Gordon has maintained its 'hold' rating and eight-pence target price for entertainment retailer HMV following the company's first-half results, in which it revealed that it would likely breach its banking covenants next month.The broker said that it is difficult to ascribe an equity value to the stock, given the "material uncertainties". "The group has a lot of support from its various stakeholders, but its markets are extremely unhelpful."BC