Stockbroker and wealth manager Brewin Dolphin said funds under management increased by 3.8% since 30 September 2011, with discretionary funds up 5.1%.Total managed funds rose to £24.9bn after a £16.4bn injection from its discretionary investment arm. Income for the first 13 week quarter to 31 December 2011 was £59.7m, 6.3% lower than the 14 week period to 31 December 2010.Brewin said market activity was generally subdued in the first quarter and this is reflected in the group's results by a 24.4% drop in commission income. "This trend has continued into January 2012, but other income has held up well benefiting from the scale of the business and our focus on the individual requirements of our clients," said Brewin in a company statement. The group said its strategic initiatives continue to be implemented to plan and the benefits of moving to the new company-wide charging structure will now start to come through. Cash balances, excluding client balances, were £36.2m as at 31 December 2011. The capital adequacy surplus was £18.7m.